Raising a Well-Adjusted Dog

Raising a Well-Adjusted Dog

5 Reasons Why Pet Socialization is Critical A popular buzzword in dog training is socialization. Socialization is the specific act of exposing an animal to novel situations in a slow and precise fashion focusing on keeping interactions short, positive, and fear free....
The Making of a Miracle

The Making of a Miracle

Story of a Rescue Dog Just in Time for Christmas Years ago there was a small puppy that came into our hospital from a local rescue group. She had been spayed by the rescue that morning, but she wasn’t recovering from anesthesia in the normal fashion. The little puppy,...
5 Tips for Pet Owners During Wintertime

5 Tips for Pet Owners During Wintertime

Caring for Your Dogs in Cold Weather Cold weather is upon us, friends, and it’s time to start thinking about how to best care for your dogs in cold weather. We’ve got a few tips for pet owners to consider during the winter months to ensure you’re keeping your furry...
Grateful for the Family

Grateful for the Family

Celebrating Thanksgiving at Longwood Veterinary Center Dr. Andrews holds rounds every Thursday morning. She calls these her morning “huddles” and we, like dutiful school children, line up to attend even though some mornings we want to get started on our day, make...
Snap Photos, Spread Cheer

Snap Photos, Spread Cheer

Longwood Vet Center Holiday Pet Photo Contest Enter to Win Our Holiday Pet Photo Contest! In celebration of the Pawliday Season this year, we’re asking you to share your holiday cheer….from home! Post your pet’s best holiday photo in the comment...