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Our veterinary hospital: (610) 388-3388 230 Kennett Pike, Kennett Square, PA 19348
Our Hours Mon-Fri: 7:30am-8pm | Sat: 8am-2pm
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Medical Services

Medical Veterinary Services in Kennett Square


Our hospital offers a variety of medical veterinary services that include both soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. Prior to anesthesia all patients undergo a complete physical examination and screening blood work. Based upon results of our screening, an anesthetic protocol is specifically tailored to your pet in order to make anesthesia as safe as possible. Patients receive pre-operative pain management and sedation prior to each procedure. An intravenous catheter is placed and intravenous fluids administered before, during and after each procedure in all patients undergoing general anesthesia. A skilled veterinary nurse monitors each patient throughout the entire anesthetic event and recovery. Pain management is dispensed post operatively to any animals who may have the potential to feel discomfort as a result of their surgery or condition. Patients will be discharged after take home instructions have been reviewed and presented to you by one of our treatment or surgical nurses. If an animal’s post operative condition requires 24 hr monitoring, an ICU nurse will be made available on an as needed basis.

Spay and Neuter

Longwood Veterinary Center offers more medical veterinary services that include ovariohysterectomy (spay) and castration (neuter) for our patients.  While these are common procedures, they are major surgeries and require a great deal of attention to detail and patient care.  Longwood Veterinary Center meets AAHA requirements for anesthesia and advanced pain management to ensure your pets are as safe and comfortable as possible during and after these surgeries.

Dog Spay Info

Dog Neuter Info

Cat Spay Info

Cat Neuter Info

Laser Therapy

Our hospital utilizes the Companion Therapy Laser system, a form of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), as part of our comprehensive medical veterinary services. This therapy is used to decrease inflammation and pain in our post-operative patients. In LLLT, a dose of therapeutic light energy is applied to injured tissues, resulting in a cellular photochemical process that helps the body repair damaged tissue.


Pain Management

Although their signs may be subtle and even overlooked, veterinary patients feel pain and discomfort in the same manner in which humans do. Recognizing and alleviating pain in animals is absolutely critical to the proper management of the post operative patient. We individualize each pain management protocol to safely and effectively meet your pet’s needs.

Emergency and Critical Care

As part of our emergency medical veterinary services, our experienced staff is trained in triage and administration of critical first aid measures to provide swift and effective stabilization of your pet. Emergency care is offered during regular business hours to ensure your pet receives prompt attention when needed.

Blood Donors

There are times when pets, like people, require blood transfusions, especially during traumatic emergencies. We are proud of our canine heroes that donate for the cause. If you are interested in our the blood donor medical veterinary services, contact your veterinarian for further information.

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    Our Hours


    7:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.


    8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.



    Emergency Care



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