National Lost Dog Awareness Day

National Lost Dog Awareness Day

Preventing and Finding Missing Pets As pet owners, our number one priority is ensuring that our furry friends are safe and secure. Always take necessary precautions to prevent your family members from becoming missing pets. April 23rd marks National Lost Dog Awareness...
Pet Safe Plants

Pet Safe Plants

There is always much discussion, and rightly so, surrounding houseplants that are harmful to pets. However, we tend to spend much less time guiding the plant-loving pet owner toward ways to fill their home with foliage while keeping the safety of their pets in mind....
7 Tips To Keep Your Pet Healthy This Summer

7 Tips To Keep Your Pet Healthy This Summer

Summer Pet Safety Tips From Longwood Summer is finally in full swing; the sun is shining brightly, the temperatures are high, and there is plenty of opportunity to take your pet outside for much-needed playtime. In today’s post, we will discuss summer pet safety and...
Trips Are Better With Your Dog

Trips Are Better With Your Dog

Traveling with Pets – Tips From Your Vet Traveling with pets can be a lot of fun, but it also requires a lot of forethought and preparation to ensure all goes smoothly. For some pets, the jet setter life comes quite naturally, while for others, the whole process is...