The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)

AAHA Accreditation When Drs. Strine and Andrews started Longwood Veterinary Center 26 years ago, they were committed to providing compassionate and quality veterinary care by utilizing the highest standards in veterinary medicine to uphold that commitment. To meet...
COVID 19 Updates

COVID 19 Updates

Longwood Veterinary Center COVID Protocol Dear clients and friends of Longwood Veterinary Center. We want to thank all of you for the patience and respect you exhibited to our staff during the pandemic. While navigating uncharted waters we did our best to keep both...
Grateful for the Family

Grateful for the Family

Celebrating Thanksgiving at Longwood Veterinary Center Dr. Andrews holds rounds every Thursday morning. She calls these her morning “huddles” and we, like dutiful school children, line up to attend even though some mornings we want to get started on our day, make...
Snap Photos, Spread Cheer

Snap Photos, Spread Cheer

Longwood Vet Center Holiday Pet Photo Contest Enter to Win Our Holiday Pet Photo Contest! In celebration of the Pawliday Season this year, we’re asking you to share your holiday cheer….from home! Post your pet’s best holiday photo in the comment...
Telemedicine at Longwood Veterinary Center

Telemedicine at Longwood Veterinary Center

Veterinarians Offer Virtual Pet Appointments During Coronavirus Pandemic We are all facing unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite this, one thing is certain, pets are important members of our families, and the need to keep them healthy and safe...