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Cat Spay Procedure at Longwood Vet

A domestic cat wearing a cone after cat spay procedure.

Initial Physical Examination Before the ​​Cat Spay Procedure

Before the scheduled day of the cat spay procedure, a physical exam is necessary to evaluate a patient’s overall health. During this appointment, a head-to-toe assessment will be completed by the doctor.

Complicating factors such as estrus (heat) or pregnancy are discussed at this time. Any issues your cat is having should be investigated and treated before the procedure.

We will conduct pre-anesthetic blood work to evaluate kidney and liver function and assess red blood cell count and hydration status. If bloodwork is normal, the cat spay procedure is scheduled within two months.

Night Before and Morning Drop-Off

  • Your cat will require overnight fasting, and no food should be consumed by your cat after 10:00 pm the night before surgery. Water up to the morning of the cat spay procedure is permissible.
  • Cats are admitted to our clinic between 7:45 am and 8:30 am.
  • Your cat will receive another physical examination, blood work results will be reviewed, and an individualized anesthetic protocol will be formulated for each cat.

Anesthesia for the ​​Cat Spay Procedure

Your cat will be sedated and then anesthetized with a combination of anesthetic drugs and anesthetic gas (Isoflurane). An intravenous catheter is placed, allowing for constant administration of intravenous fluids. Pain medications and additional sedatives are given as needed for the procedure.

An endotracheal tube is placed to allow for the delivery of a constant supply of oxygen and anesthetic gas. A nurse anesthetist will continuously monitor your cat’s heart rate, ECG, oxygen levels, and blood pressure.

Recovering from Cat Spay Procedure Longwood Vet

Your cat will be monitored closely as they are recovering from the anesthetic. Your cat will receive continued monitoring, vital checks, IV fluids, and further pain medication as needed until they are discharged.

A nurse will discuss aftercare instructions with you before discharging your cat on the evening of the procedure. Nurses will call to check on you the next day.

At-Home Cat Spay Procedure Recovery

Your cat will be tired and slightly disoriented after the surgery. They should be confined to a small area without stairs and kept away from other animals or children until feeling normal. Feed a small meal the evening of the procedure. Regular meals can restart the next day. Limit activity for five days immediately post-op with no bathing or swimming for 14 days.

Incision Care: check the incision daily for 14 days. Mild redness or swelling is expected. Excessive pain, drainage from the incision, or an opening of the incision is not normal, and we should be notified immediately.

Pain Medication should be given as directed by your veterinarian. An E-Collar must be worn for the first ten days after the cat spay procedure. Do not allow your cat to lick, chew, or rub the incision, as infection will occur. External sutures are not usually present. Some cats experience diarrhea or constipation after general anesthesia. This typically resolves on its own. If the condition does not resolve in 48 hours or is accompanied by vomiting, lethargy, or anorexia, please notify us.

Spaying, while a common procedure, is major surgery. As you can see, there are many steps involved in a successful outcome. Keeping your cat safe and minimizing her discomfort is extremely important to us. We take no shortcuts and work as a team to meet this goal.