Pet Safe Flowers

Pet Safe Flowers

Pet Safe Flowers for Spring and Summer Bouquets Certainly, most people would agree that a bouquet of fresh spring or summer flowers adorning the kitchen table is an essential decoration for the warmer seasons. One thing some people are not aware of is the fact that...
Our Best Ways to Get Rid of Fleas

Our Best Ways to Get Rid of Fleas

With warmer weather and more time outside, even the cleanest homes might find themselves with a flea-carrying furry friend. Unfortunately, fleas on your dog or cat can also mean they are potentially in your carpets, sofas, curtains, bed sheets, and other fabrics. The...
Leptospirosis and Your Dog

Leptospirosis and Your Dog

Spring weather finds us spending more time outside, enjoying the warmth and sunshine. Resuming exercise and enjoying the fresh air provide numerous benefits for both our physical and mental well-being. More time spent outdoors does increase the risk of exposure to...
Protect Their Hearts

Protect Their Hearts

Heart Disease in Dogs and Cats February is known for red candy hearts, chocolates, and roses, all expressions of love for our partners, families, and friends. If you are reading this, we know you share your life and heart with a pet, maybe many pets. It seems the...
Dental Cleaning and Evaluation Part 2

Dental Cleaning and Evaluation Part 2

Dental Care for Pets Kennett Square You’ve committed to the dental cleaning and evaluation under anesthesia, and your pet’s blood work and physical examination are normal. What happens next? When it comes to in-office dental care for pets, all anesthetic procedures...