Respiratory Disease Outbreak 2023 – Learn More
Featured Employee: Alisa!

Featured Employee: Alisa!

We sat down for a little Q and A to learn more about Alisa and her role at Longwood… Q: Why did you choose to become a veterinary technician? A: Ever since I can remember, I loved all animals and little critters. I used to play by the creek and look for frogs...

Featured Dental Pets

Pet Dental Services at Longwood Shout out to these pets and their parents who made dental care a priority this month. February is National Dental Care Month, and that goes for our pets too! Here are some of the cuties who we helped. Their teeth, while maybe a few less...
Featuring LVC Dental Technicians

Featuring LVC Dental Technicians

Pet Dental Care at Longwood Vet Center Hats off to the hardworking nurses who clean your pet’s teeth! It is a difficult and yes..dirty job, but a rewarding one. Our nurses take tremendous pride in their work, and are meticulous in their craft. Our dental nurses have...