“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)
With great sadness, we will be saying goodbye to two beloved LVC employees. Dawn has been with Longwood Veterinary Center since we first opened in 1999. She will be moving to Florida to be closer to family, the ocean, and the sun. Katelyn has been with LVC since 2012. Katelyn, newly married, will be moving across the country with her husband. This month we will be featuring these two wonderful ladies, as we salute them farewell and send them off with the best of luck and love.
Staff Spotlight: Dawn
Dawn has been a member of the Longwood family since 1999. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from the University of Delaware. When not at work, Dawn enjoys spending time outdoors and traveling to warm destinations. She has two cats, named after Disney characters, and a dog named Panda.
Staff Spotlight: Katelyn
Katelyn has worked at Longwood Veterinary Center since 2012. She received her Associate’s degree in Veterinary Technology from the Vet Tech Institute in Pittsburgh, PA. She loves her job as a licensed veterinary technician. Katelyn has 2 playful adopted cats, Lilly and Beans. During her days off she enjoys anything outdoors, including running and hiking. Recently engaged, Katelyn has also been busy planning her May wedding.