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Black Cat Lore & Superstitions

Black Cat Lore & Superstitions

Several members of the Longwood Veterinary Center team share our homes and our hearts with a black cat. We find them to be beautiful, affectionate, and intelligent, no different from any other cat we have grown to love. Unfortunately, superstitions surrounding...
Teach em Tricks, Give em Treats

Teach em Tricks, Give em Treats

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets It’s spooky season, friends, but let’s make sure not to spook your pets too much. Halloween can be incredibly fun for pet parents, but there are plenty of hazards that come with the holiday. There are several things you can do to keep...
National Deaf Dog Awareness Week

National Deaf Dog Awareness Week

Do you have a deaf dog? Here’s how you can support them The last full week of every September is Deaf Dog Awareness Week. This year, it falls between September 24th and 30th, 2023. This occasion gives us an opportunity to learn about these special companions that take...
Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week

Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week

Remember the scene in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer where Rudolph, Hermey the Elf and Yukon Cornelius find themselves on the Island of Misfit toys? While there, they find an elephant with spots, a train with square wheels, a kite afraid of heights and many other...
Vacation Tips for Dog Motion Sickness

Vacation Tips for Dog Motion Sickness

Dog Motion Sickness Remedies Dog motion sickness can present many travel challenges, especially when you’re planning a summer road trip. However, a car sick pup shouldn’t keep everyone from enjoying a family vacation together! Symptoms of motion sickness may include...