To Chip or Not to Chip

To Chip or Not to Chip

The Pros of Having Your Dog Microchipped According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, lost dogs with microchips were returned to their owners 52.2% of the time. July is National Lost Pet Prevention month and as such, our team at Longwood Veterinary Center...
COVID 19 Updates

COVID 19 Updates

Longwood Veterinary Center COVID Protocol Dear clients and friends of Longwood Veterinary Center. We want to thank all of you for the patience and respect you exhibited to our staff during the pandemic. While navigating uncharted waters we did our best to keep both...
Enjoy a Safe Summer With Your Pet

Enjoy a Safe Summer With Your Pet

7 Hot Tips for Summer Pet Safety Kennett Square Summertime brings us longer days full of swimming, playing, beach trips, and outdoor activities, many of which we enjoy with our pets. That said, with hotter temperatures also come bigger risks for your pet– more...
Tips for Keeping Your Pet Pest Free

Tips for Keeping Your Pet Pest Free

Parasite Prevention for Dogs Kennett Square If you’re a dog owner, you know that your pet is susceptible to a number of both internal and external parasites, and year-round treatment should be a component of your pet’s ongoing care. Parasites are more than just a...